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Best way to "cast" device to TV

Létrehozta: Williamhawk  |  2017-09-06 10:01:50-kor


This thread is about mirroring, extending, and casting your screen to a TV. I think this falls under Computers & Gadgets, but if not, mods please move to the correct sub forum..

Hardware-wise, I have a old custom PC, hooked up with ethernet. Old laptop, planning on upgrading to Microsoft's SP4. PS4 over wifi, and a regular LG HDTV (not 'smart tv')

I have been simply using an HDMI cable to connect my laptop to the TV. But what is the best solution to connect my desktop (in another room) and future SP4 to the TV? Miracast, Chromecast, roku, and what not..I'm fairly unfamiliar with how powerful these devices can get. Is there any strong software I can use to do this over my private network? Is it necessary to get additional hardware (like a chromecast/miracast) and which one?

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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